Hemp Clothing vs. Traditional Clothing

July 15, 2022

Are you tired of supporting fast fashion and wondering if there are more sustainable alternatives? We hear you! The Flare Compare team has done some research on hemp clothing and traditional clothing and compiled a comparison for you. Before we dive in, let's get a quick understanding of hemp clothing.

What is Hemp Clothing?

Hemp clothing is made from the fibers of the hemp plant, which is a sustainable crop because it requires less water, pesticides, and fertilizers compared to cotton. Hemp fibers are durable, breathable and can be woven into different textures, making them suitable for a variety of clothing styles. We hear you, but do they look good? Absolutely! Hemp clothing styles like dresses, blouses, and jeans are stylish and comfortable.

Environmental Impact

Now that we understand what hemp clothing is let's dive into a comparison with traditional clothing to see how sustainable it is. Traditional clothing is made from various materials such as cotton, polyester, rayon, etc. that have a significant environmental impact. Cotton, for example, is a water-intensive crop, and Its cultivation requires large amounts of pesticides and fertilizers that can harm the environment.

In contrast, hemp requires less water, fewer pesticides and fertilizers, and can be grown in a variety of climates, making it a more sustainable crop. Moreover, hemp clothing production requires fewer chemicals and produces less waste, making it a more eco-friendly option.

Comfort and Durability

Not only is hemp clothing sustainable, but it also offers superior comfort and durability. Hemp fibers are stronger than cotton and become softer with washing, making them ideal for long-lasting clothing. Additionally, the breathability of hemp clothing makes it a great choice for warmer climates.

The Cost

You might be wondering if all this sustainability comes with a higher price tag. The truth is that hemp clothing can be more expensive because it's not as widely available as traditional clothing. However, the long-lasting and durable nature of hemp clothing means that it will last longer than traditional clothing, making it more cost-effective in the long run.


Hemp clothing is not only sustainable but also offers comfort and durability. Compared to traditional clothing, hemp clothing is a more eco-friendly option that requires fewer resources, produces fewer chemicals, and generates less waste. While it may be more expensive initially, its durability means that it will last longer, making it a more cost-effective choice in the long run. By choosing hemp clothing, you can support sustainable fashion and contribute to a healthier planet.


  • "The Environmental Benefits of Hemp" by Ministry of Hemp
  • "Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America" by Euphytica

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